ST. LOUIS, MO (March 7, 2025) — Gage Luttman, 37, pleaded guilty Friday to 240 charges related to a series of burglaries committed throughout St. Louis in 2023 and 2024. He will serve a 14-year sentence for burglary, property damage, and stealing.
Over a period of seven months, Luttman burglarized numerous storage units, basements, businesses, and garages. He was captured on surveillance cameras multiple times at the crime scenes, and with stolen items at a residence in Hillsboro. A search warrant executed at a house Luttman was staying at resulted in the recovery of thousands of dollars’ worth of stolen items including: lawn tools, fishing equipment, bicycles, videogames, watches, jewelry, firearms, musical instruments, laptops, televisions, a Vespa scooter, Hyundai and Citroën automobiles, liquor and a Budweiser sign. Luttman often used stolen vehicles to commit his crimes. His most common methodology was to saw off the locks from storage units or force open garage doors and steal the contents. Luttman stole the items to sell for cash to buy drugs.
The case was prosecuted by Assistant Circuit Attorney Michael Ware.
"The Circuit Attorney’s Office is committed to holding individuals accountable for crimes that disrupt our community’s sense of safety and security,” said St. Louis Circuit Attorney Gabe Gore.
Luttman’s case number is 2422-CR01445-01.
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