ST. LOUIS, MO (May 23, 2024) — St. Louis Circuit Attorney Gabe Gore will hold a press conference at 10 a.m. on May 30, 2024, to update the community on the progress made during his first year in office and his vision for the future. The press conference will be held in Courtroom 500 of the Carnahan Courthouse, 1114 Market Street, St. Louis, MO, 63101.
After the press conference, Mr. Gore will be available for one-on-one media interviews in 20-minute intervals starting at 11 a.m. in the Circuit Attorney’s Library on the 4th Floor of the Carnahan Courthouse.
For questions or to schedule an interview please contact Public Information Officer Christine Bertelson at or call 314-202-3400 or 314-312-9912.
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